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About Us

*Family Owned * Local * Knowledgable*

After the birth of our son, my wife and I had just enough money left in our savings account as we were returning to work to purchase a 14' raft we saw on our local classifieds page. We decided to take a leap of faith and buy that raft, and since then we have been piecing together the components to turn it into a fishing setup. We are both passionate about following dreams, living a life we can feel proud of, and sharing our love of the outdoors with others. We want our son to grow up with the confidence that he can strike out and start something new, so we thought we would try to live by that example ourselves. We hope to see you and share this wildly beautiful place with you, and maybe be a part of helping you pursue your passion as well. Whether you are looking for some instruction to get familiar with fly fishing or looking to book an all day float trip to explore our river, we can surely offer you a great time and some great fishing. Please reach out and we will be sure to help you with questions and to help you choose the perfect trip!


About Us: About
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